财新传媒 财新传媒




撰文 | 刘全慧(物理学博士,湖南大学教授)


前苏联物理学家朗道(Lev Davidovich Landau,1908.1.22-1968.4.1)认为,由相对性原理可以推出相互作用的传播速度在所有参考系中都是一样的,这一观点很容易被理解为狭义相对论只有一个基本假设;朗道认为相对性原理可以推出同时的相对性,这一观点很容易理解为对爱因斯坦认为同时相对性是相对论的关键这一观点的反动。其实,朗道不但没有误解相对论,而且进行了扩充和简化。朗道对狭义相对论的理解,和爱因斯坦不同,但是朗道的理解更加宽广也更加深刻!





朗道在“理论物理教程”第二卷《场论》的第一章第一节中系统地表达了他对狭义相对论基本原理的看法。朗道理解的要点如下 (取自1939年《场论》第一节的第9,11,16段) :







爱因斯坦的原文如下 (1905年《论动体的电动力学》) :


“1. 物理体系的状态据以变化的定律,同描述这些状态变化时所参照的坐标系究竞是用两个在互相匀速移动着的坐标系中的哪一个并无关系。

2. 任何光线在“静止的”坐标系中都是以确定的速度c运动着,不管这道光线是由静止的。”



















朗道学习和发展新物理的能力是人类智力发展高度的一个历史记录,也是人世间的一个传奇。他使用微积分的能力似乎与生俱来,因为他不记得他何时通过学习并掌握了微积分。在本科阶段,朗道对广义相对论就已经融会贯通,并认为是理论物理学家的入门级知识,这是他在16-19岁间形成的认识。从24岁起,他不再阅读任何物理著作,也不再阅读任何物理论文,如果在例常举行的研讨会和讨论中听说了一个新进展,他马上就能自己重复出来。朗道还有一个令人炫目的技能,就是能把事情平庸化(trivializing),这一点朗道也引以自傲。《场论》第一版出版的时候,朗道仅仅31岁,但已经是蜚声国际的物理学家。那么,朗道在《场论》中如何炫技呢? 弄斧必须到班门,爱因斯坦的狭义相对论无疑是朗道的最佳表演场所。




狭义相对论是《场论》的基础。朗道的《场论》第一节全面介绍了朗道对狭义相对论的基本原理的理解,标题是“相互作用的传播速度”。这一节共21个自然段,可以分三个部分。第一部分 (第1-16段) 是基本原理,第二部分 (第17-20段) 是一个例子,第三部分 (第21段) 是小结。第1-16段起承转合,结构严谨,是理性思辨的典范。下面将详细解读1-16段。



For the description of processes taking place in nature, one must have a system of reference. By a system of reference we understand a system of coordinates serving to indicate the position of a particle in space, as well as clocks fixed in this system serving to indicate the time.







There exist systems of references in which a freely moving body, i.e., a moving body, which is not acted upon by external forces, proceeds with constant velocity. Such reference systems, are said to be inertial.If two reference systems move uniformly relative to each other and if one of them is an inertial system, then clearly the other is also inertial (in this system too every free motion will be linear and uniform). In this way we can obtain arbitrarily many inertial systems of reference, moving uniformly relative to one another.







Experiment shows that the so-called principle of relativity is valid. According to this principle all the laws of nature are identical in all inertial systems of reference. In other words, the equations expressing the laws of nature are invariant with respect to transformations of coordinates and time from one inertial system to another. This means that the equation describing any law of nature, when written in terms of coordinates and time in different inertial reference systems, has one and the same form.





这一段的第一句话很容易导致误解,以为等效原理是由实验总结出来的规律。不是!这里没有讨论如何发现和建立相对性原理,而是说,相对性原理获得了实验的诸多方面的支持。对实验结果的解释,往往不能在伽利略相对性原理还是爱因斯坦相对性原理中做出判断。在历史上,对迈克尔逊-莫雷实验 (Michelson-Morley Experiment) 的零结果,可以有多种解释,可以认为以太不存在,也可以认为以太存在。






The interaction of material particles is described in ordinary mechanics by means of a potential energy of interaction, which appears as a function of the coordinates of the interacting particles. It is easy to see that this manner of describing interactions contains the assumption of instantaneous propagation of interactions. For the forces exerted on each of the particles by the other particles at a particular instant of time depend, according to this description, only on the positions of the particles at this one instant. A change in the position of any of the interacting particles influences the other particles immediately.


However, experiment shows that instantaneous interactions do not exist in nature. Thus a mechanics based on the assumption of instantaneous propagation of interactions contains within itself a certain inaccuracy. In actuality, if any change takes place in one of the interacting bodies, it will influence the other bodies only after the lapse of a certain interval of time. It is only after this time interval that processes caused by the initial change begin to take place in the second body. Dividing the distance between the two bodies by this time interval, we obtain the velocity of propagation of the interaction.






We note that this velocity should, strictly speaking, be called the maximum velocity of propagation of interaction. It determines only that interval of time after which a change occurring in one body begins to manifest itself in another. It is clear that the existence of a maximum velocity of propagation of interactions implies, at the same time, that motions of bodies with greater velocity than this are in general impossible in nature. For, if such a motion could occur, then by means of it, one could realize an interaction with a velocity exceeding the maximum possible velocity of propagation of interactions.


Interactions propagating from one particle to another are frequently called “signals”, sent out from the first particle, and “informing” the second particle of changes, which the first has experienced. The velocity of propagation of interaction is then referred to as the signal velocity.




理论上有没有办法找到这个相互作用的传播速度的上限的确定数值vm?没有!从牛顿力学可以推断出vm只可能是零质量粒子的速度。这是因为,对一个有质量的粒子施加一个作用力,同样的力,质量越小,获得的加速度就越大,从而末速度越大。注意,零质量粒子力学不在牛顿力学范围里!在牛顿力学中,零质量粒子只能处理为有质量粒子的零极限!由于不能先验地认为零质量粒子的力学就是牛顿力学有质量粒子的零极限,因此牛顿力学不能处理零质量粒子。一个简单的例子是,按今天的理解,麦克斯韦方程是光子的经典场论,光子的质量为零。显然,牛顿力学推不出来麦克斯韦方程。能否把麦克斯韦电磁方程组直接引入相对论然后说明光速不变是一个推论? 不行!除非把麦克斯韦电磁理论作为一个基本假设引入。但是,麦克斯韦电磁理论中包含的东西太多,是全部作为基本假设引入还是仅仅引入其中的一部分呢?必须引入更多的假设!因此,利用已知的理论不能给出vm。







From the principle of relativity, it follows that the velocity of propagation of interactions is the same in all inertial frames of reference. Thus the velocity of propagation of interactions is a universal constant. This constant velocity (as we shall show later) is also the velocity of light in empty space. The velocity of light is usually designated by the letter , and its numerical value is


c=2.998 × 1010cm/sec.         (1.1)

The large value of this velocity explains the fact that in practice, classical mechanics appears to be sufficiently accurate in most cases. The velocities with, which we have occasion to deal with in every day life are usually so small compared with the velocity of light. The assumption that the latter is infinite does not materially affect the accuracy of the results.




如果vm选为光速vm=c有无缺陷? 有!如果今后发现了有某种物质(例如暗物质)中的信号传播速度超过了光速,就要放弃vm=c。不过,建立一个新的理论也丝毫不会损害vm=c所建立理论的正确性。




The combination of the principle of relativity with the finiteness of the velocity of propagation of interactions is called the principle of relativity of Einstein (it was formulated by Einstein in 1905) in contrast to the principle of relativity of Galileo, which was based on an infinite velocity of propagation of interactions.

The mechanics based on the Einsteinian principle of relativity (we shall usually refer to it simply as the principle of relativity) is called relativistic. In the limiting case when the velocities of the moving bodies are small compared with the velocity of light, we can neglect the effect on the motion of the finiteness of the velocity of propagation. Then relativistic mechanics goes over into the usual non-relativistic mechanics, based on the assumption of instantaneous propagation of interaction; this mechanics is called Newtonian or classical. The limiting transition from relativistic to classical mechanics 9 can be produced formally by taking the limit→∞  in the formulae of relativistic mechanics.







In classical mechanics distance is already relative, i.e., the spatial relations between different events depend on the system of reference in which they are described. The statement that two non-simultaneous events occur at one and the same point in space or, in general, at a definite distance from each other, acquires a meaning only when we indicate the system of reference which is being used.

On the other hand, time is absolute in classical mechanics; in other words, the properties of time are assumed to be independent of the system of reference; there is one time for all reference frames. This means that if any two phenomena occur simultaneously for any one observer, then they occur simultaneously also for all others. In general, the interval of time between two given events is assumed to be identical for all systems of reference in classical mechanics.








It is easy to show, however, that the idea of an absolute time is in complete contradiction to the Einstein principle of relativity. For this it is sufficient to recall that in classical mechanics, based on the concept of an absolute time, a general law of combination of velocities is valid, according to which the velocity of a composite motion is simply equal to the (vector) sum of the velocities which constitute this motion. This law, being universal, should also be applicable to the propagation of interactions. From this it would follow that the velocity of propagation of light must be different in different inertial systems of reference, in contradiction to the principle of relativity. In this matter experiment completely confirms the principle of relativity. Measurements first performed by Michelson (1887) showed complete lack of dependence of the velocity of light on its direction of propagation; whereas according to classical mechanics the velocity of light should be smaller in the direction of the earth’s motion than in the opposite direction.







Thus the principle of relativity leads to the result that time is not absolute. Time elapses differently in different systems of references. Consequently the statement that a definite time interval has elapsed between two given events acquires meaning only when the reference frame to which this statement applies is indicated. In particular, events, which are simultaneous in one reference frame, will not in general be simultaneous in other frames.




通常教科书认为,相对性原理不是相对论独有的,唯独光速不变原理才是。是光速不变原理与牛顿绝对时空观之间的尖锐矛盾,才是建立狭义相对论的关键。用爱因斯坦自己的话说,在1905年5月的一个晚上,爱因斯坦下班后到好友贝索(Michele Besso)住处聊天,突然他领悟到时间是可疑的(“until at last it came to me that time was suspect!”)。这个场景在爱因斯坦的回忆中多处出现,也出现在各种历史记录中。这也被当作爱因斯坦超越他的伟大同辈们的一个标志。


朗道从狭义相对论的物理中看到了什么? 是相对性原理,而不是光速不变原理。为什么是相对性原理?因为,相对性原理反映了一种不变性,而不变性是对称性的一种表现。












彭加勒(Henri Poincaré)对狭义相对论的实质性贡献何在? 复旦大学金晓峰教授进行过深入的考证,形成了一个系统性的看法。2020年,他报告了他的研究成果,报告的视频放在蔻享直播平台上。2022年,他开始把有关考证结果整理成了论文,在正式发表前,他把论文初稿分送了一些同行和朋友。非常荣幸,我也是第一批学习者。我对物理学发展的历史完全外行,但是对物理理论的逻辑系统有兴趣。2022年春节期间,金晓峰教授和我就其论文涉及的一些问题进行了三天密集的讨 (攻) 论 (防),同时一起研读了一些论文和著作。古人说“学莫便乎近其人”,任何向学养深厚的学者学习的内容和结果都值得总结出来。我把三天讨论的部分内容和结论进行了整理,形成了三篇文章。一篇是《张元仲先生38年前谈论狭义相对论的一篇小论文及其赏析》,已经在“物理与工程”微信公众号上推出;一篇是表达了我自己不认可物理学诺贝尔奖获得者索恩(Kip Thorne)对相对论基本原理的理解,目前只有一个初稿,存放于我个人在科学网上的博客,标题是《麦克斯韦方程对时空的要求——兼评物理学诺贝尔奖获得者索恩对相对论的理解》;本文是最后一篇。这些文章中,如有一得之见,全部得益于金晓峰先生的启发,特此致谢;如有谬误,责任在我,无关先生。







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